How does Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility connect with the course material this week? How did Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility help you with your research this week?

Welcome to the week 2 reflection journal. Throughout the course you will reflect on your weekly research experience and make connections to previous learning as well as the university learning outcomes.
In the week 2 reflection we will be focusing on the following university learning outcome:

Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility 

Please respond to all the following items in your reflection journal.
·  How does Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility connect with the course material this week?  How did Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility help you with your research this week?
·  Write down at least one specific aspect regarding Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility that you need to still develop and describe how you could work on developing that aspect.
·  How does Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility connect to achieving your career goals?
·  Based on your work in the course as well as general education courses at Grantham University, explain what Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility means to you.
·  Describe a specific assignment, presentation, or project you worked on in one of your past courses at Grantham University that allowed you to develop your Professional, Ethical, and Social Responsibility? 
·  Write down at least one question you have about your organization, your research project, or this course in general?

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