Evaluate the importance of an internal environmental analysis for a healthcare organization. Determine three specific reasons why an internal analysis has become an important activity for healthcare organizations.

  1. Evaluate the importance of an internal environmental analysis for a healthcare organization. Determine three specific reasons why an internal analysis has become an important activity for healthcare organizations.
  2. Imagine that you are the manager of a healthcare clinic. Recommend three tactics to increase the value of the services offered that would boost the company’s competitive advantage.

Discussion 2

Achieving a Competitive Advantage”

  1. From the e-Activity, determine two specific resources and two specific competencies that give the organization that you researched a competitive advantage.
  2. From the e-Activity, propose two strategies that the selected organization should consider in order to maintain its competitive advantage. Justify your recommendations.

½- 1 page each discussion, double-spaced; 12 point, Times New Roman font; following APA requirements

References should be on a separate reference page, appropriately double-spaced, and organized alphabetically.

This is a required resource, however supplemental resources can be added.

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