Create a 2- to 3-page brochure including graphics, on traditional psychodynamic theories. Describe personality. Discuss the main tenets of each theory, how they apply to personality and behavior, and the strengths and limitations of each theory. Please include 500 to 1,200 words.
Tips from the professor for this assignment. Please follow’
Here are some tips about what I expect. First, you will need more than just a few words. I would like to see over 500 words, but you can do this with 1,200 or fewer words. I would like you to include one or more definitions of personality. You may address this assignment as it is specified in the instructions. My take on a brochure is that it should promote a product or service. So, I am giving you permission to choose Freud, Adler, OR Jung for your brochure. That’s right, you can address one theorist. However, I expect you will include information in your brochure to promote that theorist and convince the reader your theorist is great. AND, yes, you will need to find information from sources other than your textbook. An important thing I will look for is citations of information you include in your brochure. You will find brochure templates in MS Word for you to use. I don’t know MAC, but feel sure your word processor has those templates as well. While I like looking a pretty brochure, I am not as concerned about how technically beautiful your brochure is as I am with the information it contains. As always, I encourage you to ask questions if any instructions are not clear. Please don’t submit your assignment as an Adobe .pdf file nor a PowerPoint file. When you format your document as a .pdf file, I can’t give you quality feedback. If anything about this assignment is unclear, please don’t hesitate to ask questions.