Please go to this website and read the background and then do the lab. follow directions if you do not complete the lab you cannot do the journal questions
This is important because of part 2 which will be the journal questions and my questions, which are only 2 but important!
In order to get full credit for this question, you must do
1. the Lab, record your data,
2. send me your results in a legible format. Use charts and it will help you see patterns,
3. do the Journal questions which will not appear until you complete the lab
4. do my two questions
MJB 1. Can this exercise be applied to Humans? Use the parts of the experiment to answer the questions.
MJB 2. What part of the human brain would be affected, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, pulmonary, and /or renal?
It is important you write in APA style and reference in APA, you must us a Lab report style; observation, hypothesis, design explanation, data collection, conclusion, summary