Analyze how the company will capture value and sustain competitive advantage over time.

Part 1
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (excluding the title slide and references) with speaker notes and address the following topics: 

Evaluate the effects of globalization on strategic management planning.
Assess how strategic alliances can facilitate global strategic growth.
Discuss the three types of innovation and how each type can contribute to long-term strategic growth.
Identify three Organizational Structures best suited for optimal global operations. 

Cite 3 scholarly references, including at least one peer-reviewed reference the University Library. 
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. 

Part 2
Write a 1,050-word report on the company you selected in Week 3, following up on the Individual Assignment of Week 3 (Environmental Scanning), and address the following: 

Establish Long-term Goals and Objectives

Strategy Formulation.
Indicate the markets that the company will pursue.
Specify the unique value the company will offer in the selected markets.
Discuss the resources and capabilities that are required.
Analyze how the company will capture value and sustain competitive advantage over time. 

Business Management Strategy

Consider Cost and Differentiation Advantages.
Describe the Corporate Strategy.
Investigate Vertical Integration.
Describe Strategic Alliances.
Detail the Company Competitive Advantage.
Generate an Organizational Chart of the company you selected. 

Cite at least 3 scholarly references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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