Analyze the information and information technology methods needed to make risk-management decisions in the health care industry.

Imagine you work as a risk management supervisor at a local health care facility. You have been asked by leadership to prepare a presentation for the stakeholders on the importance of risk management.
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (not counting the title or reference slides) with detailed speaker notes of at least 100 words per slide. Please be unique.

Include the following in your presentation:

Explain the concepts of risk management in the health care industry.
Explain factors that influence risk management in the health care industry.
Explain the relationship between risk management and quality management.
Analyze the information and information technology methods needed to make risk-management decisions in the health care industry.
Analyze key risk management tools in the health care industry.
Analyze challenges in making risk management decisions.

Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

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