Briefly explain the arguments of both parties to the case, plaintiffs and defendants, with respect to gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

Please watch the PBS news story on redisctricting at:

And, read the following NY Times article:
Based on what you have watched and read, please answer the following questions in a total of 2 pages.
1. Discuss the 2018 Supreme Court case, Gill v. Whitford.What is the case about? 
2. Briefly explain the arguments of both parties to the case, plaintiffs and defendants, with respect to gerrymandering in Wisconsin.
3. How might math be used to draw electoral districts?  What is the “efficiency gap” and how can it be used to measure gerrymandering?
4. In your opinion, is partisan gerrymandering a “justiciable” issue?  In other words, should the courts be able to rule on such cases?

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