Define key terms in epidemiology, community health, and population-based research.

    APA Format

1-Define key terms in epidemiology, community health, and population-based research. (PO 1, 4)


2-Identify important sources of epidemiological data. (PO 4)


Gordis, L. (2014).  Epidemiology (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier


  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Dynamics of Disease Transmission
  • Chapter 3: The Occurrence of Disease: I. Disease Surveillance and Measures of Morbidity.
  • Chapter 4: The Occurrence of Disease: II. Mortality and Other Measures of Disease Impact.
  • National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System
  • Healthy People 2020
  • Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report homepage (MMWR)

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