1. Describe and discuss the first flora (the “Rhyniophyte Flora”) and second flora (the “Coal Age Flora”)
that evolved on Earth in earlier geologic time periods. Your answer should include the following:
• references to geologic times of origin and/or decline,
• factors that may have influenced their distribution, success and/or decline,
• names and brief descriptions of the most important plants that dominated these floras.
2. Describe and discuss the third land flora (the “Gymnosperm Flora”) that evolved on Earth. Your answer
should include the following:
• references to geologic time of origin and/or decline,
• factors that may have influenced its distribution, success and/or decline,
• names and brief descriptions of the most important plants that dominated this flora.
3. Describe and discuss the fourth land flora (the “Angiosperm Flora”) that evolved on Earth. Your answer
should include the following:
• references to geologic time of origin,
• factors that may have influenced its distribution and success, (Hint: pollination and seed dispersal
mechanisms, including coevolution of the animal groups often involved in these mechanisms, should
be a prominent feature of your answer.)
• Names and brief descriptions of some of the most important types of plants that dominate this flora.
4. Describe in detail the life cycle of a typical fern, such as Polypodium (illustrated in the textbook). Also,
describe in detail the life cycle of a typical conifer, such as Pinus (illustrated in the textbook). Point out the
significant similarities between these life cycles, the significant differences between them, and the
significant assets and liabilities of life cycles with, or without, seeds.
Synthesize the relevant information presented in the textbook, other published sources, the course website,
and other websites as assigned, to bring appropriate observations, terms, concepts, connections and
conclusions to your essays. Your answers should be scientifically based, not based on your own ideas and/or
opinions. It is important to use the scientific vocabulary you have learned. I will be looking for “key
words”’ and “key concepts” as I grade your an