Describe how Pizza Hut involves the leadership team in developing strategies during challenging economic times.

Name of Organization: Pizza Hut What are Pizza Hut primary products and/or services? Give a brief description of Pizza Hut current mission/purpose and its vision for the future. Does Pizza Hut have a stated strategy that it shares with stakeholders? If so, what is that strategy? What are the responsibilities of the CEO Are there forces outside Pizza Hut that put pressure on how the business is run? Briefly describe them. How has Pizza Hut changed its strategy in response to outside forces? How do Pizza Hut biggest rivals compete to try to gain an advantage with customers in its markets? What do you believe is Pizza Hut competitive advantage over rivals? Describe how Pizza Hut involves the leadership team in developing strategies during challenging economic times. Describe how Pizza Hut involves other employees in developing strategies. How does Pizza Hut communicate its vision and strategy to employees? Briefly describe how Pizza Hut builds internal capabilities. Describe how Pizza Hut determines and communicates objectives. Describe how the CEO and Pizza Hut evaluate performance towards stated objectives. What positive impact does technology have on the company What are pizza hut strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and treats? Examine the value chain of suppliers Requirements of submission: Written components of the analysis papers must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12- point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The main body of the paper (excluding cover page, table of contents, appendices, and references) should be between 4 to 6 pages of written analysis, Your interview questionnaire and the responses should be included separately in an appendix and do not count in the required 4 to 6 pages of analysis. (12-point Times Roman font with double spacing).

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