Describe past international cyber conflicts and the resulting impact on the economy of each nation involved.

Create a 1-page, 4-row by 3-column table in Microsoft® Word that depicts laws for the U.S. and two other key nations in the strategic, tactical, and operational areas of cybersecurity.
Provide a brief description of the law for each category of cybersecurity provided. The table column headings could be U.S., Russia, and China, for instance (or two other key nations of your choice). The row labels are Strategical, Tactical, and Operational.
Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation containing 8 slides, including introduction, conclusion, and reference slides. Include detailed speaker notes with each slide.
Scenario: You are attending the company board meeting with your supervisor, the VP of Information Technology. The U.S.-based company is considering expanding into 100 countries worldwide. You will be presenting to the Board of Directors so they can understand the cyber threat each key nation poses to the company and can make a more informed decision on how best to achieve international growth. Your task is to:

Accurately define geopolitics.
Identify the geopolitics of key nations (include at a minimum: U.S., China, Russia, Israel, and Iran).
Accurately describe the differences of each key nation’s political stance on cyberwar.
Describe past international cyber conflicts and the resulting impact on the economy of each nation involved.
Accurately define cyberattack.
State the impact of cyber-attacks on U.S. companies.

Note: All references need to adhere to APA guidelines, and images should not be copied unless author permission is obtained or copyright free images are used.

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