Differentiate between environmental and genetic influence on phenotype

Module 6 Overview

In this week’s face-to-face lab session, you will measure the frequencies of two traits related to bitter taste perception within your lab section.  Then, you will use the bitter taste sensitivity data collected in your lab section to test hypotheses about the genetic and environmental basis of food preferences.


By the end of this week students will be able to:

1. Differentiate between environmental and genetic influence on phenotype

2. Formulate a testable hypothesis

3. Use phenotype frequencies to test for alternative patterns of inheritance

4. Analyze data to evaluate alternative hypotheses

Activities In Lab This Week

1. Complete the food preference survey on page one of the lab activity handout and discuss the genetic and environmental basis of food preferences as a class  [satisfies Learning Objectives #1-2]

2. Work with a partner to record taste perceptions, and share data as a class [satisfies Learning Objective #3]

3. Use the class food survey and taste perception data to test hypotheses about the relative importance of genetics versus the environment in shaping food preferences [satisfies Learning Objective #4]

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