Discuss the definitions, roles and interplay among the three essential components of successful HIT implementation: technology, policies and procedures and organization culture.

Answer the following questions ONLY from the file I attached which the book for the course, please DO NOT answer from the internet or other sources, there is no amount of words required, as long as you answer the whole question we are good:

  1. Given the complex problems of system interoperability resulting from vendors’ differing software and data management platforms, should the federal government become involved in regulating the features and types of HIT software products available on the market?
  2. Discuss the definitions, roles and interplay among the three essential components of successful HIT implementation: technology, policies and procedures and organization culture.
  3. Describe and discuss some major reasons for HIT implementation failures.
  4. One goal of EHRs is to facilitate providers’ sharing of clinical information with patients to encourage patient involvement in decision-making about treatment plans.  What might be some the potential advantages and disadvantages to providers and patients of sharing this information?

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