Discuss the meaning of the so-called social contract. In doing so, speak about political philosophers such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Question A

Briefly discuss the meaning of the so-called social contract. In  doing so, speak about political philosophers such as John Locke, Thomas  Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Also, speak to federalism and the  three levels of policing in the United States.
Note:  The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate  writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is  to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations  are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the  essay response.

Question B

Briefly provide an overview of Sir Robert Peel’s contributions to policing.
Note:  The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate  writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is  to include in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations  are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the  essay response.

These are two different questions each answer should be 250 words and please separate the apa format

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