Does China’s traditional culture clash with China’s modernization and globalization? Do you think the fusion of cultures can be successful?

Watch two episodes of the documentary series: 
1. China’sChallenges: What do the Chinese People believe? 1)  (part 2)
2. China’s Challenges: Does China’s civilization matter?

Answer the following questions in your response paper. The response paper should be 12-point font, 1-2 pages long (double-spaced).  
1)  To many Chinese, is there a difference in believing in Leifei Spirit, Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism? Why or why not? Use two examples from the documentary series to support your idea.  
2)  Does China’s traditional culture clash with China’s modernization and globalization? Do you think the fusion of cultures can be successful?  Use one example from the documentary series and one example from your own experience to support your idea.

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