Does the organizational structure support the strategic plan for the organization, communication, decision making, customer service, employee engagement and satisfaction, and cross department interaction?

Develop a high level staffing and compensation plan (4-5 pages).
The plan should contain an introduction and conclusion that make
relevant connections to course objectives. consideration of the
multiple complexities involved in staffing and compensation. Access
the “Deliverables” section of the Staffing & Compensation Plan
within your cell phone provider company Discuss the staffing needs
of your organization. Thoughtfully discuss each listed item (two to
three fully developed sentences per
phone provider-publicly traded- Question 1: Do organizational goals
support the mission, vision, and values statements? Question 2:
Does the organizational structure support the strategic plan for
the organization, communication, decision making, customer service,
employee engagement and satisfaction, and cross department
interaction? Question 3: Are there apparent gaps in skills, talent,
or diversity in the leadership team or staff? Question 4: From a
review of the information provided, what areas are in need of
further development? DELIVERABLES: In this assignment you will
consider strategic issues in staffing, succession, compensation,
and diversity management. Assume the role of a manager within your
chosen organization and create a report to the management team,
which addresses the most critical aspects of hiring and succession
in the organization. Address all the topics outlined below.
Describe the main components of the hiring/succession plan
(manager’s role) addressing: — Candidates evaluation — Training
— Key positions — Access to records — Interest assessment
Describe the main components of the recruitment plan (HR role)

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