LAB: Ecosystem Project (write a paper and make a powerpoint presentation)
Step 1 – Select an Ecosystem (ALREADY SELECTED NEOTROPIC )
Refer to page 511, Figure 17.10-Discuss with the other students assigned to your Biogeographic Realm on which specific ecosystem you will present on. NO TWO students in your Biogeographic Realm should be presenting the same ecosystems. For Example: If you were assigned Neartic, and you have Jane, John, and Austin in your group. Then Jane could choose Temperate Decidious Forest, specifically the Ozark Mtn. Forest here in AR, John could pick Desert, specifically the Death Valley National Park, and Austin could choose Polar Ice Cap, specifically Greenland above the Artic Circle. (not decide specific area to write, have to find one location like yellow highlighted in the Neotropic Biogeographic
Step 2 – What to Include in Your Paper
I have seven specific points that I will be looking for in your paper. Be sure you answer these questions as you write your paper:
Biogeographic Realm: Nearctic (example)
Biome: Temperate Decidious Forest (example)
Specific Location: Ozark National Forest in Pope County (example)
1. Describe your biome from your assigned biogeographic realm. (Reference map is figure 17.10) Once you select your specific ecosystem(Neotropic), yearly climate, describe its inhabitants, living and physical environment (i.e. rocks, soil, climate, etc.) and how they interact.
2. Is this a harsh environment or one thriving with resources (Ch 17.4)? What is the species richness and biodiversity in your specific location (Ch 17.1, 17.2, 17.3)? Describe examples in your biome of the 3 kinds of species interactions (Ch 16.2, 16.3, 16.4)? NOTE: Need to describe species at your specific location, “snakes, lizards, insects” etc are not acceptable. You should say “Artic Fox”, “White-tailed Deer”, “Hog-nosed snake”, “Green Anole lizard”, “Dung Beetle”, etc.
3. How does energy flow through the environment (biomass pyramids, food webs)? Give specific species examples for each tropic level. The variety of plant life (primary producers), variety of animals (primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers), and decomposers that are found within your biome (Ch 16.6).
4. What are some adaptations that the organisms in your specific location have adapted with? (Ch 16.1)
5. What about the nutrient cycle (refer to the water, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon cycles) (Ch 16.6). How does this ecosystem impact humans (Ch 16.7, Ch 17.6, 17.7)? What are the ecosystem services your specific location provide?
6. Is the environment prone to drought, fires, earthquakes, or any other natural events (density-independent factors) (Ch 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.5)? What are some threatening issues if any in this environment (i.e. deforestation, pollution, urbanization, over hunting/fishing, exotic organisms)?
7. Any endangered or threatened organisms in your specific location? What about federal protection or conservation organizations at your specific location (Ch 16.5, 17.8, 17.10)?
· Step 3 – References and Formatting
• Your paper must be a minimum of 3 typed pages.
• College level grammar and sentence structure is expected.
• Use standard MLA writing styles for your paper and for your references.
• You should have a minimum of 3 references, one of which needs to be from a non-internet source.
• You may post photos and other supporting materials at the end of your paper, however, photos and extra materials do not count as part of your three page minimum.
Citation Example:
When quoting someone’s work directly or their ideas, you must give them credit (Doe and Smith, 2004).
Reference Example:
Doe, J.L., and Smith, R. T. 2004. How to write a reference and in-paragraph citations. Journal of Grammar v. 3 pgs 543-556
Note: Please make sure all your internet references are from valid scientific websites, I do check your references when grading. Good websites-National Geographic, NOVA.pbs, .edu websites, .gov websites are some acceptable examples. You should avoid blogs, weebly, prezi, product/merchandising websites, political and religious websites as these are often biased and unscientific opinion sites. If you would like me to verify a source, just please send me an email ahead of your submission.