Explain the effect of (1) hyperventilation and (2) holding one’s breath on blood pH.

200-300 words EACH QUESTION, original work, reference

1. Explain the effect of (1) hyperventilation and (2) holding one’s breath on blood pH.

2. Ima Anxious was hysterical and hyperventilating, so a doctor made her breathe into a paper bag. An especially astute student said to the doctor, “When Ima was hyperventilating, she was reducing blood carbon dioxide levels; when she breathed into the paper bag,

carbon dioxide was trapped in the bag, and she was rebreathing it, thus causing blood carbon dioxide levels to increase. As Ima’s blood carbon dioxide levels increased, her urge to breathe should have increased. Instead, she began to breathe more slowly. Please

explain.” How do you think the doctor responded? ( Hint: Recall that the effect of decreased blood carbon dioxide on the vasomotor center results in vasodilation and a sudden decrease in blood pressure.)

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