Explain whether or not you can relate to the archetypal hero that you selected, and why/not. Include supportive evidence from your own experience and from the sources where you got the information about the hero.

Summarize the events of the archetypal hero’s story, the main story progression, and the outcome of the story for the hero. Include citations for the sources from which you got the information. Explain whether or not you can relate to the archetypal hero that you selected, and why/not. Include supportive evidence from your own experience and from the sources where you got the information about the hero. Explain how the Western archetypal hero and his/her story teach us something useful as human beings. Include supportive evidence from the sources where you got the information about the hero, from the textbook, and from your own experience. Explain the difference between the ideal Western Hero and ideal Eastern Hero as expressed by the two examples. * Clearly label your posts Wrap-up Discussion Identify 3 common traits that the different Western and Eastern heroes have in common. Identify 1 modern example of a real person who exhibits the traits of an archetypal Western Hero. Avoid the obvious–such as police, military, etc. Identify 3 common traits that the different Eastern Heroes have in common. Identify 1 modern example of a real person that exhibits the traits of an archetypal Eastern Hero. avoid the obvious–such as police, military, etc. Explain the most important similarity between the Western ideal of an achetypal hero and the Eastern ideal of an archetypal hero. Explain the most important difference between the Western ideal of an archetypal hero and the Eastern ideal of an archetypal hero. Agree/Disagree with modern examples of archetypal heroes

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