For this homework assignment, you will develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy.

For this homework assignment, you will develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy. In a paper of three to four pages (750-1000 words) of text, offer your ideas for a promising HR assignment, development plan, and sustainment plan to support the strategy of an organization expanding to open offices in sub-Sahara Africa. Drawing from appropriate sources, develop a scenario that provides the business of the organization, identify how much expansion is taking place, and identify the countries in which the expansion is taking place.  
 A useful starting point is estimating the total number of relocating employees that can be supported in the host country. 

 Will the organization need to establish a commissary (for grocery purchases), banking and currency exchange, and limited urgent-care stations? 

 Should the organization set assignment lengths of one year or two with families? 

What does research say is the optimal time period? 

 If there are families, what would be the children’s school arrangements? 
How will the employees be housed?   

Do they need an increased housing allowance, or does the organization need to procure its own compound of apartment housing? 
Your homework assignment must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. Your homework assignment response should be formatted in accordance with APA sty

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