How do Peter Thiel’s comments on luck not really being lucky at all relate to our definition of courage?

Please watch the following video …
Peter Thiel: Luck Is Just An Excuse For Not Working Hard
Thinking about courage as we have defined it here in class, as
not being fearless but rather as acknowledging fear and then
stepping forward through it, answer the following questions …
1. How do Peter Thiel’s comments on luck not really
being lucky at all relate to our definition of
2. Thiel also comments that, in the past when he was
uncertain about something and basically did not have or use courage
to move forward decisively, he has almost always regretted it. What
lesson can you take from his experience?

3. Finally, Thiel makes the statement that ‘luck’ is often
used as an excuse for not working hard enough or to stop thinking
about the future. There is a great deal of uncertainty regarding
the future, especially in business today. How can we – as leaders –
have the courage to keep thinking about the future … and take
action – even though it might be risky, uncertain … and take some

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