How does their location compare to the location of crimes ?

Be prepared to discuss the answers to this in class:Go to the City of Chicago Data Portal–accessible through D2L or by googling it. Use data and maps from the data portal to answer the following questions. a. What areas of the city had the highest crime rate in 2016? How does this compare to areas that had the highest crime rate in 2006? Back up your answer with information from the data portal. What trends do you see? b. Where are most problem landlords in the city located? How does their location compare to the location of crimes ? How does their (problem landlord) location compare to the location of grocery stores and the location of abandoned vehilces in the city?c. Explain what you see in (a) and (b) Think of an economic explanation for the patterns you observe. Based on the data/information in (a) and (b) can you predict the location of households by income? i.e. based on the information in (a) and (b) predict where low income households are located. Where are most problem landlords in the city located?

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