How is it possible that “freedom” in the American Revolution developed side by side with slavery?

Answer one of the following in 2-4 Typed Pages (no less than 1,000 words, so if that means 4 pages for you then 4 it is). Include in your essay a well formed introduction with your main idea (hypothesis), a body of evidence to support your interpretation and a conclusion which summarizes the main points of your essay and explains your overall argument.
1. How is it possible that “freedom” in the American Revolution developed side by side with slavery?
2. How important was the process of colonization and the formation of unique cultures in America to the formation of the United States?
3. One prominent interpretation of the
American Revolution asserts that the process of colonization created new
cultures in the colonies – What information in your text supports the
development of a unique identity in colonial America?

4.  From “Inventing the Republic,” describe the ideas on
which the American Revolution was based and how these ideas were put into the Articles of Confederation system. 

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