Identify a multinational company operating in Australia.

ESAY QUESTION – 20 MARKS1. Identify a multinational company operating in Australia. Provide a brief description of the company including the following (5 Marks): The industry the company operatesESAY QUESTION – 20 MARKS1. Identify a multinational company operating in Australia. Provide a brief description of the company including the following (5 Marks): The industry the company operates in Number of staff in Australia Number of staff globally Location of global headquarters2. Identify any regulatory framework/s affecting the multinational company you have identified operating in Australia and discuss why and how it affects the company. For example, multinational corporations, like local companies, are subject to 30 per cent corporate tax (5 Marks)3. Identify any treaties, conventions or agreements that have impacted on the products or services that multinational company provides in Australia. How does it impact the goods/services? (10 Marks)

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