Assignment: Next Steps
For this week, you will work on developing a writing process strategy to continue improving your scholarly writing, and you will incorporate your S.M.A.R.T. goals identified in this week’s Discussion. As you work on these last assignments, take time to reflect on all you have accomplished, how much you have supported and encouraged your colleagues, and the rewarding journey ahead.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Review the feedback you received regarding the S.M.A.R.T. goals you identified in this week’s Discussion.
Revise your goals accordingly, based on feedback provided by your Instructor, your colleagues, and any other relevant source (e.g., other Instructors).
Review Learning Resources, and consider how these resources might support your writing process.
By Saturday January 20, 2018 at 9pm America New/York time, in APA form,
Submit a 2- to 3-paragraph reflection in which you do the following:
1) Describe any strategies you might use for advancing your scholarly writing and why you selected these strategies.
2) Explain the types of resources you will use to support your writing process as you continue your scholarly journey (e.g., Writing Center materials, support groups, professional learning communities, and regular discussions with your doctoral chair).
3) Identify any potential issues you might face and provide strategies on how you might address these issues.
4) Congratulate yourself on at least one skill you have gained/improved upon during your experience in this course.
Required Readings
Walden University Writing Center. (2015i). Walden templates: General templates: APA course paper template (6th ed.). Retrieved from
Laureate Education. (2015). [Infographic]. Reflecting on your Writing, Baltimore, MD: Author.
Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). SMART goals. Retrieved from
As you review this website, focus on how you might develop your own goals that are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely).
Skarbakka, K. (2015, January 26). Self-reflection: Getting to know all about your (writing) [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Optional Resources
Additional support courses are available as you continue developing your doctoral writing skills. Consider these when creating your SMART goals:
Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). ASC courses and workshops. Retrieved from
Recommended courses:
CAEX 6200 / 6201: Basic APA Style: Citations and References. Take this course to practice citing and referencing in a supportive environment.
CAEX 6300 / 6301: Reading Techniques for Graduate Study. Take this course to become a more proficient and critical reader of research articles.
CAEX 6100 / 6101: Critical Thinking for Social Change. Take this course to examine your passion for social change through a research perspective.
The Writing Center has lived and recorded webinars on grammar, scholarly writing, and APA style. Consider these when creating your SMART goals:
Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Webinars: Overview & calendar. Retrieved from