Ignorantia juris non excusat

Mitigation of Copyright and Governance Concerns

“Ignorantia juris non excusat” is Latin for “ignorance of the law excuses not”. Building and marketing an e-commerce business will stretch beyond the US borders; that is a great advantage. With that advantage comes responsibility. You must be knowledgeable about international laws and understand which ones impact you and your business. You will need to understand what concerns might be raised and have an action plan to address those concerns.

create a plan for protecting your business against intellectual property violations, include the following:

  • Describe how you would avoid violating copyright and intellectual property laws for the material used on your website.
  • Discuss your plan for ensuring that your ideas and intellectual property are protected.
  • Discuss how you will protect the privacy of your customers. What privacy protection features will you include when building your website?

Below are guidelines for writing your paper:

  • Your paper should be at least 2 pages long and include at least 2 scholarly references

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