Read the following case and answer the questions given:
Karen is a young lawyer at a prestigious firm with an incredibly hectic and stressful schedule, who needs to organize what little free time she has more efficiently. She has just downloaded a new app called Errand Whiz onto her iPhone; this app merges information from Karen’s to-do list, information on her purchasing habits from retail stores she shops at, and GPS software to produce the most efficient map and directions for running errands on her days off. Based on what it knows about what she needs to purchase and her general shopping habits, it tells Karen what locations of her favorite stores to visit on a given day, in what order and by what routes this way she can get her errands done in the least amount of time, traveling the least number of miles To accomplish this, the app aggregates information not only about where she lives and shops, but also tracks what she typically buys in each store, hovw much she buys, what she typically pays for each item. This collected data is not stored on Karen’s phone, but on a separate server that the app links to when it needs to create a shopping map. The app encourages users to log in via Facebook, as the developers have made a deal with Facebook to sell this data to third-party advertisers, for the purpose of targeting Facebook ads to haren and her friends Question 1.4: In what ways could Karen potentially be harmed by this app, depending on how it is designed and how her shopping data is handled and used: Identify a few harmful scenarios you can think of, and the types of harm she could suffer in each: