Integrity vs. Availability

Integrity vs. Availability”   · 1- In the global enterprise, firms are insistent that their accounting information systems (AIS) and other key systems are available 100% of the time, and that these systems are the highest in integrity. Evaluate how a firm manages the balance of high availability with high integrity in these days of tight budgets and additional oversight from regulators. · 2- As a student taking online classes or relying on online resources such as libraries and tech support, evaluate the benefits of the school providing you with 24 / 7 access to these resources in relation to the costs incurred by the school itself. B- “The 21st Century Auditor” Please respond to the following: · 1- The 21st century auditor requires knowledge of technology and accounting information systems in addition to his / her understanding of accounting concepts and guidelines. The degree of knowledge in technology and AIS will vary with each auditor. Recommend the top-five technology and AIS skills that the 21st century auditor should have. Justify your recommendations. · 2- Now, recommend a series of actions that need to be taken by auditors and their firms to ensure that the auditors maintain their skills.

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