Market researchers estimate half a million Americans have high blood pressure and do not know it because they do not have annual medical exams.

Market researchers estimate half a million Americans have high blood pressure and do not know it because they do not have annual medical exams. Preliminary research suggests that most of them are white males above 50 years old in the rural areas. A pharmaceutical company that has developed a medicine to reduce blood pressure may NOT count on this group to be a good target market because the group lacks: A) identifiability B) measurability C) responsiveness D) substantiality Greyhound Lines, with its inexpensive nationwide bus network, targets lower-income consumers. Almost one-half of 25 million yearly passengers have annual incomes under $25,000. _____ is being used here by Greyhound Lines. A) Income segmentation B) Personality segmentation C) Gender segmentation D) Life-cycle segmentation Which of the following statements about qualitative and quantitative methods is TRUE? A) Qualitative data are analyzed by statistical tools. B) Qualitative methods are invalid because of the subjective interpretations C) Quantitative methods include focus group, interview, and observation. D) Quantitative data can be obtained from surveys and experiments Bill is looking for a replacement of his old microwave. He is reading Consumer Reports and talking to friends to see what they would recommend. Bill is in the _____ stage of the decision making process. A) need recognition B) product choice C) Post-purchase D)information search

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