Our system is the musculoskeletal System

Instructions: Our system is the musculoskeletal System. Power point must include a case study and must be real and needs to make sense. I need objectives in the power point. If you have any question feel free to contact me. 

  This PowerPoint presentation should be no more than 30 minutes in length with an additional 10 minutes of discussion. You are responsible to facilitate your colleagues’ discussion of your topic. You may provide handout to facilitate your presentation and discussion.
The scholarly Oral Presentation should include the following:
• Abstract of the presentation (150 words maximum)
• In depth preview of the topic
• An exemplar and discussion of a relevant research study using the method

100 points total 15% of grade
Abstract   (Introduction) provided is less than 150 words (A brief overview of the   background of the topic are provided).    _____10%

An   exemplar or case study using the system is presented and discussed. ____10%

 Pathophysiology   of the System.______15%

 Clinical   Manifestations. ______10%

 Diagnostic   Studies/Laboratories. _____10%

 Clinical   Management/Treatment Modalities. ______15%

Evaluation of Treatments. _____10%

 Patient   Education and Safety (QSEN). _____10%

 Class discussion   is facilitated. ____10%

TOTAL: 100%

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