Our Plagiarism Policy
We believe that a good idea can lead to better education, help people understand complex things in detail and make you better. This is why we make sure every piece of writing we provide is plagiarism-free. We encourage our writers to develop their own ideas and thoughts to produce comprehensive papers that flow well. We know how important it is for you to get your paper plagiarism-free. This is our plagiarism policy.
Here is how we ensure every piece of writing is original:
- Every paper submitted by our writers is checked with a reliable online plagiarism detection system.
- Upon your request, it can be run through Turnitin database and Grammarly without submitting the paper to it so that you know what similarity index you will be getting in the end.
- We have strict plagiarism-free policy for our writers. If we detect plagiarism in a paper submitted by a writer, he or she does not simply get a warning, but a huge financial deduction for the first time and account deactivation for the second time.
- We regularly update writers on our anti-plagiarism policy and encourage them to provide original content.
Also, we know how important it is for you to receive confidential service. Besides a three-step data security system that our websites have with absolutely no chance of your personal data leaking to third parties, we also make sure that your writer does not know your name, email, or phone number unless this is needed for completing your assignment and you are comfortable with that. CONTACT US ANYTIME 24/7