Preventing the Destruction of Creativity Presentation

Preventing the Destruction of Creativity Presentation

Watch TED Talk: How Schools Kill Creativity. In the video, Sir Ken Robinson presents an analysis of how schools can stop the destruction of creativity. Evaluate how education, business, and nonprofits may become a source of creativity.

  • Your presentation should include 8-10 slides, not counting the required title and reference slides. You may use PowerPoint or internet-based presentation tools, such as Prezi or Slide Rocket. Be sure to include the URL of your presentation when using internet-based tools. Paste the URL into an MS Word document and upload it with your presentation.
  • Incorporate three scholarly sources. Cite and reference your sources properly.
  • Format your presentation, including all citations and references, according to the APA Requirements

Here is the link to the video in case you can’t access if from the above link.

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