Rehabilitation for respiratory care

I have first paper for research and I need to choose article for rehabilitation for respiratory care and then I will share 1st paper with dr and then continues the research with you (  I need to write for lung cancer rehabilitation  )

Complete a review of one evidence based (peer reviewed) journal article from the journal: Respiratory Care that follows the guidelines of the attached form. Use AMA format.
The topic should relate to the paper you are completing for the course. The required length is a minimum of 1 page. In addition, attach a pdf copy of the full article (available through the CINAHL database).

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaLevel 33 pointsLevel 22 pointsLevel 11 pointAnalysis of Findings
Paraphrases the analysis of findings and gives a comprehensive view of the results.
Only gives a portion of the findings.
Does not give an accurate analysis of the findings.
/ 3AMA format
Uses AMA format for the reference and throughout the article review.
Uses AMA format for the reference but not in the article review.
AMA format is incomplete in the reference.
/ 3Criterion 3
Grammar, spelling and structure is excellent. (2 mistakes or less)

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