Review their possible mechanism of action, discuss the intended benefit, document possible adverse effects and interactions and provide a dialogue indicating if you will be recommending that as a treatment in your practice or not and Why?Review their possible mechanism of action, discuss the intended benefit, document possible adverse effects and interactions and provide a dialogue indicating if you will be recommending that as a treatment in your practice or not and Why?

Weekly project, For week 2, I will ask for you to submit a small 1 page paper, using APA format on the following (Do NOT include a cover page): Many patients ask for nonprescription medications to use for various health problems, such as insomnia, depression, pain, memory, anxiety… Select one patient complaint (for example, insomnia) and review the major herbs that have been recommended for treatment, focus your paper one ONE of those herbs. Review their possible mechanism of action, discuss the intended benefit, document possible adverse effects and interactions and provide a dialogue indicating if you will be recommending that as a treatment in your practice or not and Why? Do not forget to finish the paper with a conclusion/summary of the new information reviewed within the paper.

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