Select a current event in which problem solving strategies are investigated and reviewed to achieve a possible solution to the chosen event.

Select a current event in which problem solving strategies are investigated and reviewed to achieve a possible solution to the chosen event.

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you clearly define your selected event (the “problem”) on the first slide then use the problem solving from this week’s material.

Address the following items: Describe your “problem” (Slide one). (What to do with the growing trend of opiod use/prescription pain killer addiction at the community level) Select two major decisions that must be made to resolve your problem. Fundraiser for community awareness and starting a TV/radio campaign to raise awareness in the community

For each one of your decisions address the following:

Describe the decision making process. Discuss the process that must be taken to make the decision. Explain the role that inductive and deductive reasoning play in the decision-making process. Analyze how emotion and culture affected the process.

Describe the problem solving strategies that you would use to resolve the challenges associated with your selected problem.

Analyze the role of perception, attention, memory, and language played in your selected problem.

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