Strengthening Academic Skills

Strengthening Academic Skills
When it comes to academic skills, you’re not starting from scratch. Your previous undergraduate experience has helped you build a foundation of academic skills to draw from as you begin working on assignments and discussions for master’s level courses. In this unit, you’ve also had an opportunity to explore resources related to important academic skill areas, such as writing, library research, critical thinking, and reading. We hope this process has allowed you to reflect on your strengths, gain awareness of opportunities for growth, and have a better sense of the support, tools, and resources provides to help facilitate your continued development.
For this discussion, create and post a response that addresses each of the questions below. Your response should be two to three paragraphs in length.
Identifying skills

What academic skills do you feel are already strengths for you?
As you take the next step in your education and commit to a deeper study of subject material, what academic skills do you anticipate spending additional time developing?

Growth mindset

How might your mindset play a role in your learning and growth?

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