Summarize the importance of Mexican labor in the Southwest in the nineteenth century and until 1920.

Verification of Reading # 3: Labor

1-Summarize the importance of Mexican labor in the Southwest in the nineteenth century and until 1920.

2-Explain the economic and employment situation in Puerto Rico between 1898 and 1920. Where did the Puerto Ricans usually work and why?

3-What was the Holy Order of the Knights of Labor? Who was in it? What rights did they defend?

4-Which industries did Latino women work in during the World War II years?

5-What was the Bracero Program?

6-Explain how the Cold War influenced the increase of immigration from Cuba to the U.S. and in which sectors did they work?

7-What was the employment outlook and migrant situation during the 1970s? Where and why were there protests and consumer boycotts?

8-Summarize the importance of the Immigration Reform and Control Act.

9-What is the Latino workforce’s current situation? Why do so many come from Latin America?

10-In which sectors do many Latinos commonly work?  What types of things affect their working conditions and income?

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