SWOT Analysis

Using the organization you selected in Week 1, review its corporate website and at least 2 other sources of information on the organization, including information on market trends.


Note: Review your chosen organization in the Case Studies folder on the main course page in Blackboard.


Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen company using the provided SWOT Analysis Template.


Write a 525- to 700-word summary of your findings on the SWOT Analysis template. Use information from the SWOT analysis as well as what you have learned about your business’s structure, culture, and interrelationships to write the summary. Your summary should:

  • Explain how you would match the business’s strengths to its opportunities.
  • Analyze how you would convert the business’s weaknesses into strengths.
  • Explain the actions the business needs to take to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage.
  • Analyze interrelationships among distinct functional areas of the organization and how it may affect your SWOT analysis.


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