Using the APA paper template provided, prepare a minimum 350- word, not to exceed 700-word, report about water pollution in your community

Using the APA paper template provided, prepare a minimum 350- word, not to exceed 700-word, report about water pollution in your community that answers the following questions: •What are the major sources of the water supply of your community? •What is source of drinking water? How is drinking water treated? •How is water use divided among agricultural, industrial, power-plant cooking, and public uses? Who are the biggest consumers of water? How is water being wasted? •What has happened to water prices in your community during the past 20 years? Are they too low to encourage water conservation and reuse? Why or why not? •What are the principal nonpoint sources of contamination of surface water and groundwater? •Is groundwater contamination a problem? If so, where, and what has been done about the problem? •Must include an APA formatted title page and reference page, and in-text citations. •Use APA Paper Template (attached

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