Week 1 Forum #1
The following discussion comes from your week 1 readings. Outside research to address these issues is encouraged. I would suggest using the online library for additional sources of information and research. In addition, I would recommend utilizing the legal studies program guide. Please remember to cite your references.
You must post your initial response by Wednesday of the week assigned and must reply to 2 others by Sunday of the week assigned.
Your initial substantive response should be at least 250 words. You are required to respond to two of your classmates’ postings. These responses must be at least 150 words each. All citations must be in APA or Blue book format.
The Due Process Clause is a guarantee of basic fairness. Fairness has many components to it. This forum asks you to examine due process.
Please thoroughly discuss each of the following:
What is meant by “Fundamental Fairness”?
What are the various components of due process in criminal procedure? In your response, include some examples of procedural protections that are afforded to individuals in a criminal case.
How does the court balances individual rights against government interests?