What do you think the playwright’s intention was in creating this play? Explain using details from the play.

Drama (Playwriting)

When an author writes a dramatic piece, he or she does so with the expectation that it will result in a performance. Complete the following for this assignment:
Access The Stronger, a one-act play by August Strindberg, through this Web site. You can read the play, or you can listen to it on this Web site. Note: The audio version is number 9 in the list at the top. (Please click on link)

Part 1

In 1 paragraph, discuss the following:
Identify the two characters in this play, and give a brief description of each. 
Identify the protagonist. Support your answer. 
Identify the antagonist(s). Support your answer. 
Identify the setting. Explain why this is important to the overall theme of the play.

Part 2

In 1–2 paragraphs, discuss the following:

How are the theme/characters in this play familiar to a reader today? Explain using details from the play. 
How are the theme/characters in this play unfamiliar to a reader today? Explain using details from the play. 
What do you think the playwright’s intention was in creating this play? Explain using details from the play. 
What can you take away from this play as a reader, and how can it be applied to your own life?

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