What is biological anthropology?  Explain the subfields of biological anthropology & discuss how they try to answer key questions about the human species.

The Anthropological Perspective.” Anthropology is a very broad discipline and there are many different types of anthropologists, including: Cultural, Linguistic, Archaeology, and Physical anthropology. The latter is the topic of this course. Physical anthropology itself has different areas: Paleoanthropology, Human Variation, Genetics, Primatology, Osteology, and Forensics. Physical anthropologists use the methods of science to conduct their research. They collect data and develop hypotheses, which are then tested.
While responding to the dvd lesson, you may refer to the chapter as necessary.  Use the power point slide to help in your note taking.  A space is provided at the bottom of each slide for your use.  See attached ppt for this chapter.    However, make sure to “focus your post on the video lesson content.”  Quote or make explicit references to what the big name commentators say in the lesson. Posts should always be in your own words. Remember…while it will likely be accurate, cut-and-pasted info does not constitute a valid post and might be viewed as plagiarism.




a. What is biological anthropology?  Explain the subfields of biological anthropology & discuss how they try to answer key questions about the human species.  Who are the specialists that talk to you and explain things?  What have you learned from them?


b. When you see terms presented onscreen, take note, get the definition/meaning, and know that such will come back to haunt you in quizzes and exams.


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