What is the difference between a rational-comprehensive approach to decision making and an incremental model?

Would you prefer to work for a leader with an autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire style? Are there any conditions where autocratic leadership might be preferable and more efficient? Are there instances where laissez-faire leadership might be the appropriate style? Provide examples where appropriate.

Would you prefer to work for a leader with an autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire style? Are there any conditions where autocratic leadership might be preferable and more efficient? Are there instances where laissez-faire leadership might be the appropriate style? Provide examples where appropriate.

What is the difference between a rational-comprehensive approach to decision making and an incremental model? Explain where the polis model, posited by Deborah Stone, fits into these two models.

Evaluate the future of public administration in advancing social equity as a part of its core principles.

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