What is the most important business reason that you could give for having two separate (redundant) wide area network connections from the Sifers-Grayson Campus Area Network to the Internet?

You have been asked to prepare a short presentation for an internal meeting of Nofsinger Consulting, LLC staff members about some of the issues uncovered during the site survey for Sifers-Grayson. For this presentation you must prepare a 3 to 5 paragraph briefing statement which answers the following questions.

1. What is the most important business reason that you could give for having two separate (redundant) wide area network connections from the Sifers-Grayson Campus Area Network to the Internet?

2. Sifers-Grayson already has two redundant “wide area network connections” but, the implementation has at least one major security vulnerability. What is that vulnerability and why is it a problem?

3. Name and briefly describe three additional “best practices” that should be used when acquiring redundant network connections.

Before you begin, read section 5.3.2 of NIST SP 800-34r1 (Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems: Telecommunications Contingency Solutions). You should also review the attached network overview diagram for the Sifers-Grayson Campus Area Network.

Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.

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