What strategies do you employ to stay on-task and on-time in your professional life? How do you manage your professional goals?

As a professional in healthcare, capitalizing on your strengths will increase the quality of your work and interactions in the workplace. Reflect on your strengths and respond to the following questions in a well-written, concise paper using specific examples to support your statements.

How do (or will) you use critical thinking in decision-making and problem-solving as a professional in a healthcare environment?
What are the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that should be employed in your career in healthcare?
What are your communication strengths and weaknesses? How can you capitalize on your communication strengths in the workplace?
What strategies do you employ to stay on-task and on-time in your professional life? How do you manage your professional goals?

Conclude with an evaluation of how your identified strengths and strategies will positively increase the quality of your work and interactions in the workplace as well as impact the quality of patient care.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 2-3 pages in length
Be formatted according to APA Requirements.
Be sure to cite and reference any resources you use.

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