Why is it important to test – usually in a pilot group – the tools used to collect safety performance data, as well as the format/methods of presenting data before fulling implementing them?

1. Why is it important to test – usually in a pilot group – the tools used to collect safety performance data, as well as the format/methods of presenting data before fulling implementing them?

2. Why is it important to verify the effectiveness of hazard controls before measuring them as a KPI?

 3.Why should organizations prioritize what safety measures they will focus on?

4. From a safety standpoint, distinguish the terms KPI and KRI.  

5. Suppose you administered a safety perception survey to determine management engagement. The survey uses a standard Likert scale where 1 represents strongly disagree, and 5 represents strongly agree. Following are the responses to the prompt:  “Management frequently discusses safety with employees on an individual level.” The average rating was 3.1.  The standard deviation for the responses is a 1.1.  With respect to this one item, what do these calculations tell you about management engaging with employees to discuss safety on an individual level?  (In responding you be sure to discuss what the average and standard deviation tell you.  Your answer should not be merely an opinion about management – i.e., “management does a bad/good/average job”.)  

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