Write a 750–1,050-word informative essay based on the Death Penalty

Review the specific components to the informative essay.
Write a 750–1,050-word informative essay based on the Death Penalty
Somethings to consider for the death penalty in your writing: Explain the background and use of the death penalty in the United States.
Prefer it to be around 800-850 words
Include the following components in your essay:

Introductory paragraph
Include your thesis statement
Include a discussion of at least three supporting      points
Supporting arguments and examples defending your      position for each of the following:

Body Section 1 (supporting point 1 fully presented)
Body Section 2 (supporting point 2 fully presented)
Body Section 3 (supporting point 3 fully presented)
Conclusive summary

Format your work to be consistent with APA format and citation style guidelines.
Include a title and reference page.
Include APA format and citation style headings (at least level one).
Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources.
Cite your sources using APA format and citation style and include a references page. 

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