Write a two-page summary, 750 words minimum (excluding first and reference page) of the process for completing an accurate cultural assessment of a patient with newly diagnosed leukemia.

Read chapter 3 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done work on the following assignment;

1.  Write a two-page summary, 750 words minimum (excluding first and reference page) of the process for completing an accurate cultural assessment of a patient with newly diagnosed leukemia.

a.  Include both the health history and the physical examination.

b.  Develop a comprehensive cultural assessment checklist that includes all the elements of culturally

competent nursing care.

c.  Include the assessment of greater family and community.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in a word document, Arial 12 font APA format attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 3 discussion questions”.  You must cited at least two evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) and post two replies to any of your peers assignments sustained with the proper references.

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